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Penny Mordaunt dubbed Labour Party's 'worst night' by Benjamin Butterwort
Poll suggests Mordaunt will become PM if she makes final two
Penny Mordaunt says Starmer has ‘zero balls’ as she compares him to Beach Ken from Barbie movie
Penny Mordaunt 'authentic Brexiteer', says George Freeman
Penny Mordaunt fights tears during tribute to former MP Karen Lumley
Live: Penny Mordaunt launches Conservative Party leadership bid
Penny Mordaunt appointed as Britain's first ever female Defence secretary
Was Penny Mordaunt a better choice for Defence Secretary? Colonel James Sunderland weighs in
MP Maria Miller believes Penny Mordaunt is the 'fresh start' the country needs
Benjamin Butterworth and Belinda de Lucy clash over Keir Starmer
Penny Mordaunt odds on in Tory leadership race as bookies price tumbles
'Penny Mordaunt is easily going to be the most popular candidate amongst the members' says expert